The characters in Akata Witches seem fit more into their own personality types, not so much fit into one of the 12 archetypes. After reading more into it, many of the archetypes seem to be something big, wired a strict way. These characters might fall into those archetypes, but multiple, not just one of them.
One of the 16 personality types might be better suited for these characters. For example, Sunny's personality, who is said to be optomistic and intelligent, would be ESFJ: The Caregiver. The caregiver is someone who is warm-hearted and puts someone else before themselves.
I believe Chichi's personality falls under the ESTP: The Doer. This personality is described as friendly and action oriented who like immediate results. This makes me think of Chichi and how she is very energetic and is quick to prank her friends.
Orlu is a more quiet, intelligent character. His personality strikes me as the INTJ: The Scientist, described as quiet, analytical and has a high value of knowledge. Even though Orlu has a dyslexia, he still is very smart and quick on his feet to help out his friends.
Finally, I think Sasha's personality would fall under ENTJ: The Executive who are described as assertive. Since Sasha is hot headed and tries to control his anger, this personality fits him well.
Sunny and Chichi seem to represent the simplicity of independence with their powers.
This is a really fantastic observation. I thought by personality types it was referring to the kind of character tropes you see in in academic and "friend" based communities in films. This brought an interesting perspective!